

Add Video to Your Business Web Life: Tools, Content, Publish


The mantra~

it's really, really, really important to develop and generate interest in your product or services by adding video content to your website or blog. 
It seems as if I've been repeating this quite often lately (especially to myself) and the best part is, thanks to technology, there's relatively little to stop us from taking on the challenge: it's incredibly inexpensive, less time consuming and easier to produce than five or ten years ago. With incredibly perfect timing, I stumbled upon Sylvia Browder's short gem of a post which lists useful tools to get you started such as screen recording and screen shot software, online teleprompters, and video hosting sites. 

Unfortunately, for those of us who are camera shy, technology can't and won't reduce our discomfort with being in front of the camera. However, the benefits derived from the results are definitely worth the effort. In the following post I'll discuss content.


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