

12 Simple Things/A Path to Revising "The" Dream

Building on: 12 Simple Things You Can Start Doing Right Now To Prepare For The Coming Financial Apocalypse

I won't rehash the specifics of the current state of America's economic affairs. Besides, 'Apocalypse' is relative - depending on each individuals' peculiar frame of mind, frame of reference and extenuating circumstances. In the meantime, many are in need of solace - and a compass - to calm their fears about a collective, disturbed, reality.

The above-mentioned article describes empowerment tools for the dis-empowered. While reading, my peculiar frame of mind managed to find voluntary simplicity as THE fundamental  motivation for the following 12 suggestions:

#1 Become Less Dependent On Your Job
#2 Get Out Of Debt
#3 Reduce Expenses 
#4 Purchase Land
#5 Learn To Grow Food 
#6 Find A Reliable Source Of Water
#7 Explore Alternative Energy Sources 
#8 Store Supplies
#9 Protect Your Assets With Gold And Silver
#10 Learn Self-Defense
#11 Keep Yourself Fit 
#12 Make Friends

In my opinion, just about anything one might be tempted to add to this list involves complications of questionable origins. I can't help but mention that every time I read emergency preparedness articles, I'm left with the same haunting questions: Why must we wait for (pending) calamity before we accept the fact that the ever-present media and over-arching big brother authority, we've come to rely on, are in fact concerned first, and foremost, for their own preservation? Furthermore, why do we not believe the concrete, tangible evidence before our eyes - 911, Katrina, and too big to fail bailouts while Main Street disintegrates?

Media and government revise our collective 'reality' on a daily basis. 

Do we have the courage to unplug for our own sustainable re-birth?

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