

The lifeboat

con·fes·sion  (kn-fshn)
1. The act or process of confessing.
2. Something confessed, especially disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution.
3. A written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense.

Those were the days - when I considered myself the quintessential queen of multi-tasking. I admit I felt powerful, impressive, and as deeply interesting as any 21st century angst-ridden martyr. After all, I could juggle the myriad of imposed alter-realities that occupied my every waking moment: the angry liberal arts minion; the ardent dissident daughter of a corporate mother; the liberated, albeit stressed, modern-day working wife and mother; and the after-hours dutifully available parent/chauffeur (and unpaid co-teacher) of public schoolers suffering from hours of busy-work that required supervision and reams of multi-colored school-sponsored announcements, handouts and demands that always necessitated immediate attention. As if these weren't enough, there are a couple of other less glamorous alter-realities I maintained that I just don't feel like admitting to (chuckling)!

lifeboat [ˈlaɪfˌbəʊt]
1. (Transport / Nautical Terms) a boat, propelled by oars or a motor, used for rescuing people at sea, escaping from a sinking ship, etc.
2. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Stock Exchange) Informal a fund set up by the dealers in a market to rescue any member who may become insolvent as a result of a collapse in market prices

These days deliberate, mindful living is a singular reality anchored in repentance to a battered, neglected, exhausted soul and family.

Voluntary simplicity - a most welcomed lifeboat.

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