

Our first teacher is our own heart

"Our first teacher is our own heart."
Cheyenne Saying

Profound. Simple. Roots.
Remembering who we were when we first arrived,
unfettered, uncomplicated, undamaged,
is fundamental to living simple and simply living.
As babies, we lived 100% by and through our hearts
We were pure in heart, which was connected to mind– both in a state of oneness with our Creator.
Nevermind what and who happened to us ‘along the way’.
We can return.
Retrieve and free our heart.
Live through its wisemind.
In the moment, each moment.
[and let's not forget to tread lightly in our youths' life path - giving them the chance to live by their own hearts rather than our selfish desires (note to self)]
This saying has blessed my heart today!

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